Hello, Suddenly Meow players! This is the ultimate Walkthrough for Suddenly Meow Christmas, written by our friend and guru Match 3 player Kathy Lew (SynthpopAddict). She even added some really fun mini-stories and comments to the walkthrough, to accompany the reading!
General Tips:
-In the opening screen, the gears button lets you do a little customization, but the real stash of customization options is under the Menu button in the M3 level screen. Play around with the Menu button to see all the different options available as there’s something for everyone.
-Game difficulty can be changed at any time.
-The goal in most levels is to get Tim to eat all the fish and/or Spooky to collect all the gifts. There’s a built-in tutorial video demonstrating how to create the pathways using the moves you make in level 1 if you click the “need help with gameplay” button. My stumbling block if a pathway doesn’t look like it’s “working” is the lighted squares of a pathway must be connected on at least one side – they can’t touch only diagonally at a corner. The pathway can be built from either one of the cats or from one of the target objects and I find it’s best to work from both ends until the pathway is finished in the middle.
-Some levels have assorted versions of snow or ice tiles, which need to be cleared out with matches over them until they disappear.
-Break all the wood boxes to get the gold trophy. If you remove at least half of the wood boxes, you’ll get a silver trophy, otherwise you will get the bronze trophy.
-The game is otherwise pretty good about explaining the assorted gadgets, and you can always go to the Help button at the top of the screen.
On to the game:
Tim: “Spooky, come join me by the fire. This is the best time of the year! I have my alarm clock set for midnight to see if Santa will come down the chimney!”
Spooky: “Good for you, but I got stuck with Christmas light installment duty because I was taking a nap when all the good chores were being handed out, and now I’m tangled in all the cords! Meeeoooowww!!!”
Level 1:
Spooky: “Geeze, Tim, I know you got your paws burned on that pot at the end of our last adventure, but this phobia you now have of anything hot is getting a little extreme with you eating fish frozen in ice blocks!”
Focus on removing the wood boxes for gold, as the fish are otherwise easy to reach.
Level 2:
Spooky: “Tim, you know what the humans say about people who compulsively chew on ice? I’m starting to think the same thing about you.”
One fish is surrounded by wood boxes and wood blocks the pathway to reaching another fish. The challenge is still more to clear out all the wood before eating all the fish.
Level 3:
This is the first level featuring an optional star. You don’t get anything extra for collecting stars; it’s simply a game-completionist thing to obtain all 40 stars as they appear. The fish blocking the star needs to be eaten early on if you want the star.
Tips: Matches made over water which include spaces by target objects (in this case, fish) will still light up the open spaces by fish. You can always match over water to break wood boxes.
Interlude between levels 3 and 4:
Is that actually snow, or did the cats just have a massive play fight with spray cans of whipped cream? I’m always a little surprised that “cleaning” the living room at this point cleans it out. You get the first opportunity to begin restoring the living room here, but here’s a useful tidbit. The furniture is not moveable and will go into fixed locations. If you buy the cheaper stuff which is available at this point, you’ll have to move it around later for things to not look stupid. So I skip additional building for now since none of the furniture can be afforded yet and place all the furniture, paintings, and Christmas tree as I get the funds to afford them before buying the other stuff. Move the scroll bar of the “shop” to the right to see everything. When you’ve purchased something, it will get a check mark and be moved all the way right the next time you go to the living room.
Level 4:
Introduction to chained pieces. While there are 2 chains, unlike other M3s where double chained means 2 matches to break all the chains, this game only requires 1 match to remove all the chains from a piece. I don’t ever use the powerups, so can’t tell you what the behavior of the powerups is on chains.
Tip: Breaking chains will collect adjacent stars and remove wood too.
Level 5:
The magnets are introduced here. It takes about 4 matches next to a magnet to fully charge and activate it, or if you use an explosive powerup next to a magnet, will give it a 99% charge instantly. You need the magnets to move stones out of the way. Be careful not to activate the magnet until the stone you’re needing to move with it is free (if said stone is blocked by something next to it, will not move), otherwise the charge will be wasted and you’ll have to start over.
The explosive powerups are the bomb or the gingerbread man.
1) Clear out the wood.
2) Use the lower magnet first, so the star is freed.
3) Pick up the star, then use the upper magnet to free the fish. Tim will probably have eaten some of the fish already by this point, but get any other fish remaining.
Level 6:
Spooky: “I still don’t get your frozen fish obsession, Tim. These gifts are way better.”
Tim: “Yeah, but you won’t go through the slushy water for them either!”
Spooky: “I’m a cat, what did you expect?”
1) Try to get the star in the bottom left early on, if possible, and remove the wood.
2) Use the magnet to move the stone out of Spooky’s way. The stone will land next to a gift, but it’s OK as there’s still room to reach it.
3) Make pathways to all the gifts just like you did for Tim to get fish in earlier levels.
Level 7:
1) Focus on clearing the wood.
2) Use the magnet to pull the stone away from the star.
3) Get the star, then lead Spooky to all the gifts.
Level 8:
Spooky: “Tim, you were lost in the forest and you don’t even remember where your old home was due to that catnip binge. It’s a good thing you found the farm and Mary to save you. All that stuff about fairies in the forest, I have to wonder if that’s not just another ‘nip trip.”
Break the black rocks with 2 matches to reach all the fish.
Level 9:
This is a traditional M3 level where you only need to remove all the tiles, in this case, “snow tiles”. As with other M3 games, you’ll later see snow tiles requiring multiple matches to remove. Don’t forget about the wood if you want the gold trophy.
Level 10:
1) Start with the bottom right section and break the chains from the piece in the column with the magnet and stone.
2) Clear out the wood around the magnet and use it to pull the stone up.
3) Get rid of the rest of the wood while working on collecting the star.
4) The remaining snow tiles should be easy to reach by this point.
Level 11:
Focus on getting Tim to the fish in the top right corner so the star can be reached. Leave at least 2 fish elsewhere; I usually leave the ones on the top and far left for last. It can help to wait on removing all the wood until you’re ready to get the fish nearby so Tim doesn’t accidentally eat all the fish too soon.
Level 12:
The air horns are introduced. Air horns charge with matches and explosive powerups just like magnets, but blow stones away from them. You also have to be careful not to waste an air horn charge if the stone it moves is blocked by something.
1) Clear the wood around the gift at the bottom, then the wood around the air horn at the bottom left.
2) Use the bottom left air horn to blow the stone over to the right.
3) Pick up the star.
4) Get rid of the black rock with matches, then use the top right air horn to blow the stone away from the gift.
5) Clear out the rest of the wood and have Spooky collect all the gifts.
Level 13:
1) Break the wood around the top right magnet.
2) Use the top right magnet to pull a stone over to it.
3) Break the wood around the bottom right magnet.
4) Use the bottom right magnet to pull the stone off the top right magnet.
5) Break the wood around Tim, then focus on getting him to the fish by the star. Important: leave at least 2 other fish elsewhere.
6) Move Tim to another fish.
7) Use the top right magnet to pull the stone away from the star, then collect the star.
8) Get the last fish.
Level 14:
1) Break the wood in the top center section, then use the magnet to pull a stone up.
2) Break the wood in the bottom left, then use the air horn to blow the other stone to the right.
3) Break the wood around Tim and get the fish.
Level 15:
1) Break the wood to the left of the 2 stones, then break the wood around the air horns.
2) Use the air horns to blow the stones to the left.
3) Break the rest of the wood and get Spooky to the gifts.
Spooky: “Tim, be realistic. Why would the humans put frozen fish inside this box? They’d thaw in this warm room and be even nastier than those cheapie fish you were eating in the forest. But the cookie raid idea sounds awesome!”
Tim: “You’re just hoping for more treasure in the box, since Captain Sharpspit took what we had back last time. It’s a good thing we’re not on the Other Side. I’m hearing from the Guide Writer that adult cats get sick from eating dairy products there. Can you imagine Christmas without milk and cookies?”
Level 16:
The violet road is introduced. This is a one-way path which once a cat has crossed over the spaces, those spaces will turn into water.
1) Remove the wood from the top corners and upper violet road.
2) Remove the wood from the lower violet road and around the air horn at the bottom right.
3) Use the air horn to blow the stone out of the upper violet road.
4) Remove the wood around Tim, then have him eat the fish at the left of the lower violet road. Tim will automatically eat the fish at the other end. Then lead Tim to the fish on the right side of the upper violet road and he will get the last fish by himself.
Level 17:
Spooky: “Tim, how do you not get a massive case of brain freeze with the speed eating here?”
1) Get rid of all the wood. The one wood box in the slushy water at the bottom is easy to miss.
2) Use the magnets and air horn to move all the stones out of the violet roads.
3) Tim will only be able to go into the upper violet road from the top left, but he will exit close to the other one, so getting the fish is easy.
Level 18:
Traditional “remove all tiles” M3 level, except that double-match tiles are introduced. You need the magnets to move the stones off of tiles they’re otherwise covering. Some of the black rocks are also covering tiles. Don’t forget about the star and removing all the wood for the gold trophy.
Level 19:
Spooky: “I heard the Guide Writer totally blanked on this one and forgot how to play it.”
Tim: “Then how come the text is here?”
1) Clear out the wood.
2) Use the upper air horn to blow the stone off of it.
3) Click the lower air horn until it’s pointing upwards, then use it to move the stone from step 2 up.
4) Use the upper air horn to blow the stone away from the star.
5) Click the lower air horn until it’s pointing to the left, then use it to blow the stone off the snow tile it’s blocking.
6) Get through the black rocks until there’s good “flow” in the lower left. Pick up the star and clear the snow tiles.
7) Clear out any remaining snow tiles elsewhere.
Level 20:
A traditional M3 level, except that there are now bushes covering some of the tiles to remove. If you look closely, you can see which bushes hide wood boxes if you’re going for the gold trophy. You can’t see snow tiles hiding under bushes though, so it’s best to match next to all the bushes and uncover everything.
Level 21:
Bushes are now hiding some of the fish, but if you look closely, you can see the glowing halos they emit. A lot of the wood is also under bushes, as is the star (near the bottom right corner).
Level 22:
Spooky (channeling the Guide Author, who has the music for this level stuck in her head):
Oh, it’s fun to have Christmas,
Please don’t make me eat iced fish,
There’s food and toys for girls and boys,
But all I really want is a bunch of gold coins.
Spooky has decided to spare you the remainder of the lyrics. You’re welcome.
1) Remove the wood.
2) Use the magnet to pull the stone away from the center.
3) Use the air horn to blow the stone off the magnet.
4) Use the magnet again to pull the other stone away from the star.
5) Pick up the star, then have Tim eat all the fish.
Level 23:
1) Break all the wood.
2) Use the air horn to blow the stone out of the violet road.
3) Spooky’s path is predetermined for the first 3 gifts, but the rest are easy to figure out.
Level 24:
Straightforward plain old M3 level, just that triple-match snow tiles are introduced.
Level 25:
Get Tim to eat the 2 fish in the slushy water before going to the fish by the star. Then move Tim to the fish in the top right so you can pick up the star, then get the last fish in the top left corner. I leave the black rock by the top right fish alone until the first 3 fish are gone so Tim doesn’t get to it too soon.
Tim: “Aw man, there aren’t even any dried fish in any of these boxes! I heard some humans like squid jerky, so fish jerky can’t be that much a stretch!”
Spooky: “And no treasure in any of them either! Not even any catnip! Shredding the paper was the best part…”
Level 26:
Tim: “Spooky, please get your gifts out of my way, please?”
Spooky: “Give me a break, will you? They’re next to the ice-cold water. Not all of us love running around that slush!”
1) Remove the wood.
2) Two of the black rocks are optional to remove, but the one which blocks the entrance to the gift at the top left and the one blocking Tim’s exit from the bottom left will have to be cleared out.
3) Lead Spooky to all the gifts first, because Tim can’t reach all the fish until Spooky has collected at least the 2 gifts around the slushy water.
Level 27:
Tim: “Spooky, why are you sitting by the star with those rocks?”
Spooky: “It’s a sign that I’m the real star of this game. The rocks have elevated me to greater heights than you. Now get that lousy fish out of my way.”
1) Clear out the wood. Spooky can’t reach most of the gifts yet, so have Tim eat all the fish.
2) Remove the black rocks by Spooky, then move him to one of the gifts so the star can be collected. Collect the remaining gifts.
Level 28:
There are a bunch of black rocks and wood blocking the snow tiles and star, but it’s not a difficult level.
Level 29:
1) Use the magnet to pull a stone to the left.
2) Break the chains in the way of the other stone, then use the air horn to blow the other stone over to the first one.
3) You can do the rest.
Level 30:
The hammers and crushable rocks appear for the first time. Drop the hammers passively by making matches below them. When a hammer is one space away from a rock, the hammer can be dragged the remaining space to break the rock.
1) Move Tim to the closest fish, then focus on getting rid of most of the black rocks and wood. Leave at least one black rock to block one of the hammers above the violet road.
2) Work on removing the crushable rock blocking the star.
3) Collect the star.
4) Get rid of the remaining black rock(s) and use the hammers to remove the rocks from the violet road.
5) Move Tim to the fish on the violet road if he hasn’t already gotten himself there, and then he can get to the remaining fish.
Level 31:
The chains get in the way of the hammers, so have to be removed in order to crush the rocks. Otherwise, a straightforward level of clearing the snow tiles.
Level 32:
1) Remove the wood.
2) Click the magnet so it’s facing upwards, then use it to pull the stone away from the star.
3) Pick up the star.
4) Click the magnet so it’s facing downwards, then use it to pull the stone away from a fish.
5) Click the magnet so it’s facing to the right, and use it to pull the last stone away from another fish.
6) Get rid of the black rock blocking Tim if it’s not gone already, and pick up all the fish.
Level 33:
1) Work on removing the 3 black rocks blocking the hammer.
2) Crush the rock with the hammer.
3) Clear out the wood by the magnet, then use the magnet to pull the stone to the left. Get rid of the rest of the wood elsewhere.
4) Remove enough of the black rocks blocking one fish so Tim can reach it, then collect all the fish.
Level 34:
Spooky: “Geeze, Tim, you made me do all the work on this one just for you to get your lousy ice block fish!”
To do this one efficiently, you need a bit of luck with matches by the wood boxes to break several at a time with one move. And some luck with getting a match setup to fall into place by the gift on the 2nd row from the bottom to keep your pathway going. It’s best to have Spooky pick up all the gifts first so there will be a lot of existing pathways made for Tim to get the few fish.
Level 35:
De-clutter the playfield of the obstacles, and it’s not hard.
Level 36:
Tim: “Oh Spooky, guess what you have to sit in the middle of until the One from the Other Side gets rid of those rocks?”
Spooky: “Nooooo…please, One from the Other Side, save me from the slush at my tail and let me run through the violet road as fast as I can! I erected a fortress around myself in the meantime.”
Tim: “Well, you proclaimed yourself the star of the game earlier, so you can do most of the pathway making for me again. And you’re still going to have that slush behind you no matter what until I finish eating. Enjoy!”
1) Break as much of the wood as possible so the hammer can smash the crushable rock.
2) Keep working on clearing wood while charging up the magnet so it pulls the stone out of the violet road.
3) Get the star from the bottom right corner.
4) Clear out the barriers around Spooky and put him on the lower violet road so he gets the gifts.
5) It’s not difficult to get Tim to the fish.
Level 37:
Tim: “Sigh…that last tussle didn’t go so well because Spooky left me to deal with these cannons that can’t be aimed.”
Remove the wood by the cannons first, then keep charging the cannons until the rocks by the star and fish are gone enough for everything to be accessible. It doesn’t matter which cannon you use; I simply charge whichever one has matches by it at the time. Getting the correct rocks removed so everything is reachable is a matter of luck and sometimes you just have to remove every single rock before that happens.
Level 38:
Clear the wood by the cannon and blast rocks until everything is accessible. Tip: the fastest way to get the cannon charged sans powerups is to make 2 matches of three tiles each (2 different tile types, but each one being a M3) with one move, but any match bigger than a simple M3 charges the cannon more. There are 7 rocks, but you only need to remove 5 to be able to reach everything. Save the gift on the right side for last so Spooky can be moved to it after he gets the gift by the star in order for the star to be accessible.
Level 39:
This level is a one-way path. Get the fish on the far left column before entering the violet road at the top or you will be hopelessly stuck. Rotate the magnet appropriately to pull the stones out of the violet roads. The wood is easier to remove after the stone from the right side is moved.
Level 40:
Eating the fish in the wrong order will lock the level.
1) Clear out the wood and other obstacles on the violet roads and elsewhere.
2) Use the magnet to pull the stone out of the violet road.
3) Get the fish in the top left.
4) Go through the top violet road from the left side.
5) Go through the bottom violet road from the right side, then collect the last fish in the corner.
Level 41:
If you want the gold trophy, remove the wood and black rocks before firing the cannon to clear the other rocks.
Level 42:
Tim: “Peace offering, Spooky…I’ll do most of the pathway work this time.”
Move Tim to a fish so you can get that star and then pick up the rest of the fish. Spooky will have lots of existing pathways for the gifts and won’t need to make too many more.
Level 43:
1) Clear out all the obstacles and wood on the right half of the playfield, so the star can be reached and the stone can be moved.
2) Use the air horn to blow the stone out of the violet road.
3) Finish removing the wood, then get Tim onto the violet road from the bottom.
4) Get the remaining fish. Oddly, I find it easier to get the 2 on the right before going over to the left.
Level 44:
1) Blow the stone off the air horn as soon as you can, because if you don’t, you run the risk of the magnet activating and making the level impossible to finish.
2) After the air horn has been freed, use the magnet to grab a stone out of the center.
3) Use the air horn to blow the stone off the magnet.
4) Use the magnet to move the last stone out of the center.
5) Finish removing the wood and snow tiles.
Level 45:
Wood and black rocks cover some of the snow tiles too, but you can figure this one out.
Level 46:
1) Use the left magnet to move a stone.
2) Use the bottom magnet to pull the stone off the left magnet.
3) Remove the wood and collect the star.
4) Use the top magnet to pull a stone up.
5) Use the right magnet to pull the stone out of the left side.
6) Finish clearing wood elsewhere and get Tim to all the fish.
Level 47:
The arrow block is introduced. This obstacle charges up exactly like the magnets and air horns, but moves itself when fully charged.
1) Move the arrow block out of the violet road. As long as you move it even one space down you’re OK.
2) Remove the wood and put Tim onto the violet road, then get the rest of the fish.
Level 48:
Tim: “Spooky, you know, if you watch the slush moving on the water, it’s kind of mesmerizing. Makes it worthwhile to be sitting in the middle of it watching the flow. Or maybe I’m just channeling the Guide Author, who isn’t feeling all that great while she’s writing this right now.”
Spooky: “Tim, wake up! The humans call it ‘hypothermia’. Get a move on!”
Tim has to go through the violet road on the bottom to get anywhere else, but once he’s through that road, make sure he eats the 3 fish on the right half of the board before going onto the other violet road, otherwise you’ll have to restart.
Level 49:
The wood blocks the entrances to the fish and gifts along with covering up an entire violet road, but you should be able to figure this one out.
Level 50:
Prune all those bushes if you want to break all the wood for the gold trophy.
Level 51:
Clear out the wood. Use the air horn to blow the stone into the electric field, then Tim will be able to reach all the fish.
Level 52:
1) Get rid of the black rocks and wood by the magnet.
2) Use the magnet to pull the stone into the electric field.
3) Clear out the remaining wood, but make sure there are at least 2 fish left elsewhere when Tim eats the fish by the star so the star can be obtained.
Level 53:
You need to use both air horns to blow the stones into the electric fields before all the fish are accessible. Don’t forget about the 3 wood boxes below the bottom center fish if you want the gold trophy.
Spooky: “Don’t worry, Tim, we’ll blame the dog pulling the sled for that crash in the garden.”
Level 54:
1) Remove the 3 wood boxes between the air horn at the top and the stone.
2) Use the top air horn to blow the stone down.
3) Get rid of the black rock next to the other stone.
4) Use the lower air horn to blow the other stone into the electric field.
5) Break any leftover wood, then get the fish.
Level 55:
All those black rocks have to be removed so the arrow block can be slid into the electric field. It’s better to remove the wood by the bottom left corner before moving the other arrow block down in order to reach the star.
Level 56:
I work on getting Spooky to the gifts first, because he’s in a tighter spot than Tim and at least one arrow block has to be moved before Spooky can really get anywhere. The arrow block in the center will block Tim eventually, but hopefully Spooky will have left enough pathways around for Tim to get started on the fish.
Level 57:
1) Clear out the obstacles around both magnets, then remove the black rocks blocking the stones which are aligned with the magnets.
2) Use the magnets to pull the stones to the left.
3) Remove the remaining black rocks and wood in the bottom right corner.
4) Use the air horn to blow the stone down.
5) Click the glowing magnet until it points upwards, then use it to pull the stone out of the top section.
6) All the snow tiles are reachable now.
Level 58:
1) Remove the black rock by the stone, then the wood from the bottom right.
2) Use the magnet to move the stone to the right.
3) Have Tim eat all the fish in the bottom first so the star can be obtained, then clear out the rest of the wood and go for the remaining fish.
Level 59:
Break the wood and use the magnets to move the stones out of the violet road. The rest is easy.
Level 60:
Spooky: “Tim, you really have a problem with this ice block fish addiction. I’m walling everything off the best I can.”
Tim: “LOL, you can’t stop me.”
There’s just a bunch of obstacles blocking the fish and star, so just a matter of patiently removing obstructions. Try to get your matches to touch more than one obstacle for better efficiency.
Level 61:
The conveyor belt is introduced. This actually speeds up the gameplay, because the belts will move things around for them to be removed more quickly.
Work on getting all the wood removed from the left conveyor belt first, because it is otherwise hard to get the gold trophy. Break the wood on the other conveyor belt so the fish goes all the way to the end for Tim to pick up. The remaining fish are easy.
Level 62:
1) Click on the magnet until it faces left, then use the magnet to pull a stone to the right.
2) Break all the wood.
3) Click on the magnet until it faces up, then use it to pull the stone off the conveyor belt.
4) Get rid of the black rock so the fish goes to the end of the conveyor belt.
5) Have Tim eat the 2 fish on the left side, then the one in the center and finally the one on the conveyor belt.
Level 63:
1) Get rid of all that wood. The stone will eventually get to the end of the conveyor belt.
2) Use the magnet to pull the stone into the electric field.
3) Pick up the 2 fish near the bottom, but leave at least 2 of the ones in the top row alone for now.
4) Get the fish next to the star, then a fish somewhere else.
5) Collect the star, then eat the remaining fish.
Level 64:
1) Remove the black rocks by the star and pick up the star.
2) Break all the wood so the fish on the conveyor belts go to the ends near the top.
3) Use the air horn to blow the stone out of the violet road.
4) Move Tim up to the left side of the violet road so he eats the 2 fish there.
5) The last 2 fish are easy.
Level 65:
Tim: “Can I ride the conveyor belt again?”
Clear out the wood. Then make matches involving the end of the conveyor belt until Tim reaches the end. Make the pathways from there as usual for the fish. Sorry Tim, you can’t get back on the ride!
Level 66:
Spooky: “Tim, just how is it you NEVER get a brain freeze even when you speed eat those ice block fish?”
Tim: [shivering violently] “I…mmm…ss…sssoo ccc…cold…but-but-but it was worth it!”
Ignore the spaces around Tim and clear out all the wood. The fish will bunch themselves up along the conveyor belts. Pick either the left side or the right and eat all the fish from that side, then go to the other side for the rest.
Level 67:
Spooky: “Tim, you need an intervention with that ice block fish thing before you become a snaggle-toothed cat! Someone’s got to do something about it!”
Tim: “Get the heck out of my way, Spooky! SPOOKY! Dang you!!!”
How to prevent an endless cat fight:
1) Remove the wood.
2) Make sure the rightmost gift is NOT the one Spooky picks up last or you’ll have to restart.
3) There should be plenty of pathway around for Tim, but if both the fish in the middle and the fish at the top have pathways connecting them, match elsewhere until some of the pathways disappear so there is either the middle or the top fish not connected.
4) Lead Tim to the 2 fish in the bottom right, then move Tim to another fish elsewhere so you can get the star.
5) Tim can now eat the rest of the fish.
Level 68:
Straightforward despite the obstacles covering several of the snow tiles and blocking the star.
Level 69:
Yes, it does always seem like the cannons blast out rocks you don’t need to remove before they get all the ones covering the snow tiles. Otherwise, you should be able to figure this one out.
Level 70:
1) Get Tim over to the 2 fish at the left.
2) Finish clearing out the wood and keep firing the cannon until the rocks are gone from the conveyor belt. The fish will bunch up on the end of the belt.
3) Move Tim to the last fish. He gets just the briefest ride on the belt with eating the 2 fish.
Level 71:
1) Use the magnet to pull the stone into the electric field.
2) Make sure there are at least 2 other fish on the board when Tim eats the fish by the star so the star can be picked up.
Level 72:
Tim: “Spooky, get out of my way already!”
[angry cat screams from both cats]
How to prevent endless cat fight #2:
1) Remove the wood.
2) Make sure the gift in the center right is NOT the last one Spooky picks up.
3) There should be plenty of existing pathways to help Tim get to the fish.
Level 73:
Spooky: “Haha, I’m better at walling off your lousy fish than you are at blocking off my gifts.”
A pretty straightforward level to figure out. Just don’t make the gift by the star the last one Spooky picks up so you can collect the star.
Level 74:
The bushes hide several fish as well as wood boxes, but this is another easy level.
Level 75:
1) Get rid of the wood and black rocks.
2) Depending on where the hammer is, either use the hammer to crush the crushable rock or use the magnet to pull the stone to the right. But both the crushable rock and stone have to be taken out of the way.
3) Once all the obstacles are out of the way, pick up the 2 fish in the top left, then go through the violet road from the left and up for the last fish.
Level 76:
1) Clear out the wood.
2) If necessary, click on the magnet until it’s facing up and use it to pull a stone from the upper violet road.
3) Click on the magnet until it’s facing down and use it to pull another stone from the lower violet road.
4) If the hammer hasn’t lowered itself to the crushable rock, move it down and break the rock.
5) Slide the arrow block down.
6) Move Tim to the right side of the upper violet road, then to the left side of the lower violet road.
Level 77:
It’s better to remove the wood on the right before using the air horn to blow the stone to the right so getting the gold trophy is easier. Switch the air horn to leftwards so it can blow the other stone away from the star. You can do the rest.
Level 78:
The black rocks block off the entrances leading to fish, but otherwise you just wind Tim along a serpentine path starting from the left.
Level 79:
1) Get rid of the black rocks. This will lower 2 hammers.
2) If the hammer(s) are in the same row as the stone and magnet, lower the hammers out of the way, then use the magnet to pull the stone to the right.
3) Move the hammers all the way down to crush the rocks.
4) Break whatever wood you can reach on the left side and elsewhere.
5) The last hammer will start lowering itself. Move the arrow block out of the way.
6) Crush the last rock with the hammer.
7) Slide the other arrow block to the right and collect the star.
8) Remove the last of the wood, then the snow tiles.
Level 80:
Tim can’t cross back over a conveyor belt once the fish is gone from it.
1) Make sure Tim has eaten the 2 fish on the right side before eating the one on the conveyor belt.
2) The wood has to be removed from the belt and then matches made using the end of the belt to get that fish to the end.
3) Eat the fish at the end of the conveyor belt, then move Tim to a fish somewhere in the left.
4) Finish removing the wood from the left side and the fish on the left conveyor belt will make its way to the end of that belt. Eat the other fish out in the open, then get the one off the belt.
Level 81:
1) Remove the wood.
2) Use the magnets to pull the stones to the right.
3) Slide the arrow block away from the fish.
4) Tim may have gone and ate some fish on his own while you were working on steps 1-3. If not, move him away from the star and get the star.
5) Collect the rest of the fish.
Level 82:
1) Clear out the wood and use all 3 magnets to move stones to the right.
2) Click on the bottom magnet until it’s pointing upwards, then use it to pull a stone down.
3) Use the topmost magnet to pull the last stone out of the snow tiles.
4) Remove the snow tiles.
Level 83:
Spooky: “Tim, I’m going to enjoy watching you dig up the whole garden to find those fish, hahaha.”
Tim: “Don’t worry, I’ll blame the dog for it.”
Yes, you’re really going to have to remove all or nearly all the bushes to find the fish and wood. Tip: Get Tim to the bottom, as most of the fish are there.
Level 84:
Tim: “Ooh, hypnotic slush flows with fish…”
Spooky: “Tim, you’re hopeless. I give up.”
1) The star is easier to get than it looks because matching out the chained piece above it also collects the star.
2) Remove the black rocks on the lower violet road, which will also remove a lot of the wood in the process.
3) Break the wood at the top and slide the arrow blocks out of the upper violet road.
4) Clear out any remaining wood.
5) Go through the upper violet road entering from the bottom, and then the lower violet road, entering from the top.
Level 85:
All the snow tiles are in the bottom row.
Level 86:
1) Slide the arrow block to the left.
2) Clear out the black rocks by the top left corner magnet and use it to pull the stone up so it lands under the arrow block.
3) Use the magnet on the right to pull the stone into the electric field.
4) Remove the wood and get the fish.
Level 87:
1) Slide the arrow block away from the star, then collect the star.
2) Remove the wood.
3) Move whichever cat is appropriate using the nearest pathways until all the fish and gifts are gone.
Level 88:
1) Remove the wood and black rocks.
2) Use the air horn to blow the stone to the left.
3) The fish are all reachable now.
Level 89:
1) The glowing magnet on the left starts out pointing up; use it to pull the stone down.
2) Use the center right magnet to move the stone from step 1 to the right.
3) Use the magnet on the bottom row to pull the stone down.
4) Use the magnet in the 2nd row from the bottom to pull the stone into the electricity.
5) Click the glowing magnet on the left until it faces rightwards, then use it to pull the stone out of the violet road.
6) Some of the wood got removed while you were working on all of those earlier steps; get rid of the rest.
7) Get the fish at the bottom of the violet road and Tim will automatically go to the other one.
Level 90:
Spooky: “OMG Tim, just how badly do you want that lousy fish, anyway!”
1) Remove the wood at the bottom left and move Tim to the fish there.
2) Work your way into the chained pieces in the bottom right by going above them on the right and working downwards so a pathway to the fish in the bottom right corner can be made. Move Tim to this fish.
3) The glowing magnet on the bottom should be pointing leftwards. Use it to pull the stone to the right.
4) The stone is now aligned with a magnet 4 spaces above. Use this magnet to pull the stone up.
5) Use the magnet on the right (under the air horn) to pull the stone to the right.
6) Use the magnet near the top right corner to pull the stone up.
7) Use the magnet in the top left corner to pull the stone to the left.
8) Click the glowing magnet at the bottom until it points up. Then use it to pull the stone down.
9) Use the air horn to blow the stone into the electricity.
10) If there’s still any wood left, break it.
11) Tim can reach the last 2 fish now.
Spooky: “We sure had a great time on this adventure.”
Tim: “I heard that the Guide Writer can get catnip in bulk at some fancy grocery store. We should try to get to the Other Side for our next adventure, so we’ll get a lifetime supply of prime ‘nip that even the humans drink in tea!”
Spooky: “Are you completely cracked? What if all that stuff you keep talking about mutant animals, witches, fairies, and all the fish and treasure in the forest was just the ‘nip patch you can’t stay out of? Maybe none of it is real and there is no ‘Other Side’ either.”
Tim: “Yeah, well you keep going on about how you can make bombs, but can’t ever demonstrate it in real life. Would have made this Christmas an actual blast, but the whipped cream fight was still pretty good in the end. I heard Grandma got out that flat rectangular thing all the humans have these days and got us in it. I don’t get it, because when I took one apart some time ago, there was nothing interesting inside and Mary’s dad got super mad. But the humans act like the things are ‘nip and some say you can get famous from using them. So maybe there’s a world out there that can’t wait to meet us! Besides, human-quality ‘nip…you can’t tell me you aren’t interested because you go to the ‘nip patch as much as I do.”
Spooky: […]