Recently, we’ve been reviewing our design guidelines for educative games. Regarding this matter, we’ve decided that our approach for creating educative games should be based on the following aspects:
- Pedagogical Approach: This comprises aspects such as the pedagogical philosophy of the application, the user’s motivation, and the employment of multimedia resources according with the pedagogical philosophy and the topics developed.
- Content: It’s related to the information presented by the game, and also the goals of the project.
- Language, Grammar & Style: This aspect covers all the things related to grammar, ortography, definitions, localization and format.
- Aesthetics and presentation: It includes all the details related with the application’s aesthetics, the way content is organized and displayed, and the user interface.
- Evaluation: It refers to the mechanisms employed by the application in order to verify the learning results.
- Internal Aspects of the System: It comprises all the functions invisible for the user, related to security, data backup, fault-tolerance, among other internal aspects.
The approach must strive for fast and high-quality software deliveries, balancing speed, quality and price. Software requirements and goals are a very volatile matter, and as such, we must structure our work in order to cope with our clients’ new expectations, i.e., we’ll be following a highly dynamical software development approach.