This is all the help you’ll ever need to complete our game DragonScales 3: Eternal Prophecy of Darkness. This full walkthrough is authored by our friend and guru player Kathy Lew (SynthpopAddict), master of this gameplay and all of its secrets.
The powerups are a lot better in this DragonScales installment as compared to the first 2 games. I particularly like the Blade powerup which will allow you to remove a scale of your choice from the playfield.
In-game trophies (not Steam achievements): Every chapter now has trophies for getting all the stars, beating the best time in all levels, and doing the “badge” board without using any powerups. The dragon will usually tip you off when there’s a star or if it’s the badge level, but late in the game you won’t get the dialog and will have to check the top of the screen for the star notification or look on the right side for the darkened fist trophy in badge levels. Tip: I previously bought the game elsewhere before getting the bundle at Steam. My old game save file still worked and my old player profile was still there. If you want a clean restart of the game, delete any previous player profiles showing after you’ve made a new player. Otherwise, the previous “best times” from whoever played the level best will be there instead of the default “super xklibur” player.
Any achievements you won in a level before will still be yours in level replays. So if you missed best time, the star, or the fist trophy for a level but got one or more of the others, you can go back and replay the level for whatever you missed. If you got the star from a level which had one before, it will no longer be there.
In order to replay a level, click the X on the top right of a level to get out of it. You’ll go back to the chapters map and can pick the button below the chapter picture to replay any previously completed level. Any levels which you did not get best time upon will not have a glowing halo and any levels which you missed the star will not have the little dot above or below them lit up. Unfortunately, if you missed getting the fist trophy in the badge level, you’re going to have to check all the levels until you find the one with the trophy hiding on the right.
Coin bags appearing in some levels are optional and don’t do anything for your game other than giving you gold to use on powerups.
The “chapters” with a gold coins picture are optional minigames. If you’re not much of a powerup user, you can skip over these. Either keep scrolling to the right in the chapters map or click the X in the top right of the minigame screen. In the converse, you can replay the minigames as much as you’d like for more gold. The jigsaw puzzles will be different in replays for added fun.
Hidden stars:
3-2: bottom space of 5th column from left
3-3: 2nd spot from the bottom of the 4th column from the left
3-6: top spot of the far right column
6-2: top space of the 6th column from the right (or left; it’s the center column of the board)
6-4: top spot of the 2nd column from the left
6-8: top spot of the 6th column from the left
8-3: top spot of the 7th column from the right
8-5: top spot of the 3rd column from the left
8-7: top space of the far left column (top left corner)
11-1: top spot of the 2nd column from the left
11-2: the highest spot of the far right column (up in the “corner”, next to the red patterned scale)
11-6: top spot of the 7th column from the left
14-2: top spot of the 8th column from the left
14-5: top spot of the far left column
14-8: bottom spot of the 5th column from the left
15-2: top spot of the 5th column from the left
15-4: top spot of the far right column
15-6: top spot of the 6th column from the left
16-1: top spot of the 2nd column from the left
16-3: top spot of the 5th column from the right
16-5: 3rd spot from the bottom of the 5th column from the left
Guide for tricky levels
2-6: You will never get purple or orange, so the only real way to get to the star is to blow up the purple and orange scales in the way using one of the remove scales powerups (unless you want to play for a long time hoping the rocks will fall onto those pesky scales). However, you don’t have these powerups enabled yet when you first get to this board, so ignore the star for now and work on getting the best time if you’re going for the trophies. The Dragon’s Chosen powerup unlocks after 2-8. Once you get it enabled, go back to 2-6 and play for the star.
2-7: The trick to breaking 10 rocks is to not clear scales constantly. Make some setups where you could match them later and only clear things out if the board is getting too full, using simple matches of 3 if at all possible so you don’t accidentally finish too soon. Try to break more than 1 rock with a match. The star will appear in a scale set once you’ve gotten enough rocks.
5-2: As in 2-6, you don’t ever get purple or orange, so have to use Dragon’s Chosen to remove those pesky scales blocking the star.
1) Trip the up arrow which is immediately above the star to raise the bottom left section so you can reach the green patterned scale.
2) Get the star.
3) Put green next to the green patterned scale in the bottom left. Trip the up arrow to clear out whatever’s blocking the green.
4) The green scale isn’t reachable anymore, so trip the down arrow to move the spaces back down and get the green patterned scale.
5) You can ignore the last arrow as all the other patterned scales are reachable, although using the last arrow does raise a space closer to the pink patterned scale.
5-8: You need to trip both arrows simultaneously. Using 2 different scale sets, place the same color onto the two arrows while leaving the spot in the middle empty. When you get the matching color in a 3rd scale set, put it onto the middle spot.
7-7: A toughie if you want the badge (and star), since the working room is tight. This takes a while because you have to get to all the arrows. If you’re going to replay for best time later and already have the badge and star, skip step 1.
1) Get rid of the green scale blocking the arrow and trip the arrow. Don’t trip any of the other arrows yet.
2) Collect the star and runes from the right.
3) Trip the down arrow, then the up arrow.
4) There is now a tight access path to the rune on the left.
5) Finish clearing out any runes remaining elsewhere.
Chapter 8: You need to drop all the skulls off the bottom in every level to win. Take advantage of the gravity to get cascades.
8-7: The no powerups method to this one is to clear out some of the bottom middle spaces so a few skulls fall out, then work your way up and to the sides. Do NOT clear the pink patterned scale holding up the skull in the top left until you’ve gotten rid of the blue patterned scale in the bottom left and dropped the skulls below out. The star is in the top left corner.
9-4: If you want the star, you’ll have to use some powerups to get it.
9-7: Another case of if you want the star you’ll have to “buy” it with the powerups.
1) Ignore the arrows for now. Place yellow onto the top spot of the 2nd column from the left and another yellow onto the top spot of the 3rd column from the left. Do not clear these scales out.
2) Trip both arrows in the bottom left section to move the yellow scales you’d placed in step 1 so they match the patterned yellow scale in the top left “island”.
3) Don’t trip that last arrow yet! The column with the last arrow has one spot below the arrow and 2 more spots under a gap. Put yellow scales into the 2 spots under the gap in this column and don’t clear them out. You’ll probably need some powerups to get some working room because the playfield fills up easily.
4) Now trip the arrow to move the 2 yellows you placed in step 3 down to the yellow patterned scale in the center “island”.
5) You can do the rest.
Chapter 10: Limited moves puzzles where you must clear all the scales from the playfield to win. Here are the solutions for the trickier levels for free (or you can give Greenie Greedy at the bottom of the screen 1000 gold to see a walkthrough for the current level).
1) Place green above the pink, then pink above the green in the center column, and blue in the middle space of the 3rd column from the left. This matches out a set of greens.
2) Pink below the highest pink scale, blue under the blue, and green by the 2 greens.
1) Blue under the blue in the 2nd column from the left, green above the green in the 3rd column from the left, and red above the green you just placed.
2) Green in the 2nd spot from the bottom in the middle column, pink above it, then red.
1) Blue in between the 2 blues on the far left, red under the red in the 2nd column from the left, and pink above the pink in the 3rd column from the left.
2) Pink on top of the 2 pinks in the 3rd column from the left, red on top of the pink you just placed, and green on the star.
3) Green below the green in the 3rd column from the right, pink in the top spot of the 2nd column from the right, and red underneath the pink.
1) Put the first scale set down along the top left of the board next to the green. Your green goes in the top spot of the 2nd column from left, followed by blue on the top spot of the 3rd column from the left, and red in the top spot of the 4th column from the left.
2) Second set: Blue below the green in the 2nd column from the left, green in the far left column, and pink below the green in the far left column.
3) Third set: Green in the 2nd spot from the top in the 2nd column from the left, red in the middle spot of the 3rd column from the left, and pink next to the 2 pinks.
4) Last set: Red below the red in the middle column, green under the green in the 3rd column from the right, and blue under the green you just placed.
1) First set: Blue in the bottom spot of the 2nd column from the left, green above blue, then pink above the green.
2) Second set: Green atop the green in the 2nd column from the left, red above the green you just placed, pink in the top spot of the 3rd column from the left.
3) Third set: Blue in the 2nd spot from the top of the 4th column from the left, red under the pink in the 3rd column from the left, and pink on top of the blue.
4) Fourth set: Pink on the bottom spot of the 4th column from the right, red above the pink, and blue by the blues.
5) Last set: Pink in the 2nd spot from the bottom of the 2nd column from the right, red next to the reds, and blue by the blues.
11-2: This one is impossible to finish if you lower all the skulls on the left side down too soon. Leave the blue patterned scale alone in the top left so the skull there won’t fall. If the game won’t stop giving you blue in the scale sets, one way to get around that problem is to match out the regular blue scale in the top left using blue in the far left column only, so then it’s harder to accidentally match out the blue patterned scale. Then clear out the pink and green patterned scales on the bottom left, still avoiding the blue patterned scale (you’ll have to place just the right colors in, avoiding putting any blue), so the 2 skulls in the lower left drop out before getting the blue patterned scale in the top left. It gets easier once the pink patterned scale is gone. The star is in the highest spot of the far right column, off in the “corner” next to the red patterned scale. This level is also the one with the fist trophy badge, so if you’re an achievement hunter you’ll have to win this with matches only.
11-5: This one’s nowhere as horrible as 11-2, but is better done by clearing the patterned scales in the lower half of the playfield and dropping out any skulls from the lower half of the playfield, then clearing out the spaces below the higher patterned scales so the skulls have a free pathway to fall when the scales holding them up go away. Work on one skull at a time.
Chapter 12: Interesting twist in the gameplay as you have to completely fill up all the spaces on the playfield with the limited number of scale sets given. In other words, avoid making any matches. The preview of the upcoming sets above the playfield comes in handy. You can pay Greenie Greedy 1000 coins per level for a walkthrough, but here’s the free version.
12-1: Put the red under the red on the right and place the other 2 scales into the empty spaces on the bottom right. Then put pink in between the 2 blues and go up from there.
12-2: Put blue into the bottom right corner and the other 2 scales into the nearby spots. The remaining scales can go anywhere they’ll fit on the left.
12-3: Pink goes under the red on the far left, then the other 2 scales into the spots remaining at the left. Then put the pink of the 2nd set into the far right column and fit the other scales into place.
12-4: There are only 3 open spaces. Pink goes in the top spot by the blue, then green on the far left, and blue in the last spot. The pinks will match out, giving you 3 spots for the last scale set. Put pink under the blues (it will be above the green) and the other 2 scales into the remaining spots.
1) First set: Put blue into the top space of the 3rd column from the right. The other 2 scales can only go to 2 spaces after that.
2) Second set: Put green into the top space of the 2nd column from the left and the other 2 scales into the 2 spaces remaining at the left.
3) Third set: Put red on the bottom space of the 3rd column from the left and the other 2 scales will only fit into 2 spaces after that.
4) Last set: Put green on the 2nd space from the top of the far right column and fill in the rest of the spaces with the other scales.
1) First set: Put blue into the 2nd spot from the bottom of the far right column, green into the middle spot of the 2nd column from the right, red into the 2nd spot from the bottom of the 3rd column from the right.
2) Second set: Put blue into the middle space of the center column (in between the reds), green into the 2nd space from the bottom of the 3rd column from the left, and red into the middle space of the 2nd column from the left.
3) Third set: Blue on the bottom space of the 3rd column from the left and the other 2 scales into the 2 spaces remaining on the bottom left.
4) Fourth set: Blue on the top space of the 3rd column from the left and the other 2 scales into the 2 spaces remaining on the top left.
5) Last set: Blue on the top space of the far right column, then fill in the rest of the spaces with the other 2 scales.
1) First set: Pink in the top spot of the 2nd column from the left (next to the blue), then the other 2 scales only go to 2 spots.
2) Second set: There is only one place to put this; blue goes in between the pinks and the rest to the other 2 spots. The green matches out and trips the arrow. After the spaces move, blue matches out at the top.
3) Third set: Blue in the top space of the 3rd column from the left (next to the pink), green in the top space of the 4th column from the left, and pink below the green you just placed.
4) Fourth and fifth sets: Put these into the remaining spaces on the right; you can’t get a match made no matter what, so anywhere you can fit one set and have 3 open spaces left over for the last set works.
1) First set: Green on the arrow, red to the right of the green you just placed, blue into the top right corner.
2) Second set: Pink on the bottom spot of the 3rd column from the left, red above the pink you just placed, and green above that, which trips the arrow.
3) Third set: Red in the bottom right corner (that farthest space sticking out on the bottom right), then the other 2 scales only go to 2 spots.
4) Fourth set: Pink on the 2nd spot from the top of the 2nd column from the right, then the other scales only go to 2 spots.
5) Last set: Blue on the lowest space remaining and fill in the rest of the spaces with the other scales.
Boss 3 battle: You need a little luck with the cascades. The stack can touch the top of the screen, which will almost always happen with one of the columns very early on, but don’t let the stack rise above the top or you’ll have to restart.
1) Explode only the higher of the 2 bombs on the right, but don’t trip the arrow. This removes a wall blocking the blue patterned scale on the left.
2) Trip the arrow to lower the remaining bomb.
3) Explode the bomb so it removes 2 walls in the middle.
4) The star is now accessible, as are all the patterned scales.
13-6: It’s a badge level, so you’ll have to do this with matches only if you want that trophy.
1) Trip the arrow in the bottom left corner, but do not explode any of the bombs while doing it.
2) Explode the 3 bombs.
3) To the left of the red patterned scale in the bottom “island” is a singleton space – it’s the lowest spot of the 6th column from the left. Put a red scale into that space and don’t clear it out.
4) Trip the arrow at the top to match the red patterned scales at the bottom. You can do the rest.
1) Break the rocks enough so you can get to the arrow behind them and trip the arrow.
2) There’s now a narrow access point to the 2 arrows in the top center right. Trip the easier one of the 2 to lower the bomb. Don’t explode the bomb yet!
3) After the bomb has been lowered, explode it so it removes the wall in the left.
4) Trip the arrow in the open area on the left to get access to the pink patterned scale at the bottom left.
5) Ignore the last arrow on the top center right and get the rest of the patterned scales and star.
6) If the level still hasn’t finished, just keep matching away randomly until the scales collected goal has been fulfilled.
1) Explode the bomb which you can reach.
2) Some of the walls go away, allowing you to explode the other bomb. Don’t trip the arrow!
3) The second bomb removed a wall making a 2 space area in the column above the arrow. Put green into both of those spaces and don’t clear them out.
4) Trip the arrow to match out the green patterned scale in the “island”. The rest is easy.
Chapter 14 tip: If the playfield is filled up enough, the patterned scales will stop moving. It doesn’t take much as 30% full seems to be enough most of the time.
Boss battle 4: Ugh. This one’s a matter of luck with the cascades and getting just the right colors in the right places at the right time. You might have to make several attempts to win it; if you’ve been struggling to lower the stack for more than about 3 minutes and the skulls just aren’t dropping, hit the reset button. Take some time thinking about how the scales will fall with the gravity before making your moves; it IS doable!
Chapter 15 tips: The axe pieces need to be in the same column as a monster. Activate the axe by matching the tile it’s sitting atop of. If you’re lucky, you can have 2 monsters in the same column and whack them both together. There are a maximum 2 axes allowed on the playfield at any time, so if an axe is in a column with no monsters, match it out so you can get a new one in a better location.
Chapter 16 tips: Rune tiles are immune to gravity, much like the patterned scales. You also can’t have gravity drop a scale onto a rune tile.
Chapter 19: The spaces with the faint green hexagon inside of them won’t let you put scales directly onto them. You have to let gravity drop scales passively into them, so play a little higher up in the playfield and let gravity make your setups.