Suddenly Meow 1 Walkthrough

Here’s a full WT for the game Suddenly Meow, entirely written by our friend and guru Match 3 player Kathy Lew (SynthpopAddict). The original version of this guide can be found on the PondFriends forums. Enjoy!

First, some general tips for playing.


Suddenly Meow isn’t your typical M3 game – it’s actually a puzzle game you play using a M3 mechanic. Like any other puzzle game, it is possible to be going nowhere and you will have to realize this for yourself. Playing in relaxed will not save you from this phenomenon!
If you want to change the game from fullscreen to windowed or vice versa, you have to exit the level you’re in and get back to the main opening screen to click on the gear button in the top right. This is also the only place you can change the sizing of the window for windowed mode or adjust the sound/music volume.
While playing the levels, the Status button is an extremely useful place to check regularly, as it will tell you how far along you’ve gotten on the goals for winning each star, and is also the place for you to switch the game difficulty mode, turn on/off powerups for matches of 4 or more tiles, and adjust the move hints feature if you want more hints or to turn it off if you don’t enjoy it.
If you think you’ve gotten stuck, click the Reset button on the top right in a level to restart. The Skip button charges very quickly in every level so if you just can’t deal with one anymore…
The star goals are the same in every level. The left star is awarded for finishing a level. The middle star is for collecting at least 200 tiles in the level, and the right star is for getting at least 75 gold coins. In some levels 3 stars are virtually a given just for finishing them. Other levels will require you to spend extra time randomly messing around to win all the stars.
Gold coins are awarded for making larger matches of 5 or more tiles in a straight line, L- or T-shaped match. Making a double match of 2 sets of 3 tiles simultaneously counts as 6 tiles and awards gold coins, as does having a large enough cascade occur. Coins earned in level replays count.
The Help book is the location where all the in-game popup help texts are collated if you need to go back and reference something.
Clicking on the Levels button allows you to go back and replay any level you missed getting all the stars upon, or to give a level you skipped before another attempt.
Clicking the X to quit a level will not save your current progress.
At the end of every level starting with level 5 you will have an opportunity to visit Tim’s Hideout, which is the shop location for not just giving Tim a nice home, but enhances his battle skills for boss battles. Click on the Tim’s Hideout button in the end level dialog to go to the hideout.

Level types

Traditional M3 levels have you either removing all the obstacles or grass tiles with matches, or moving target items like keys or strawberries to a basket or lock.
Collect fish levels require you to match adjacent to the puffer fish until all the fish have been obtained. Red puffer fish move every time you match next to them.
Pathway levels have you move Tim around the board to eat all the fish by making matches to light up a pathway reaching each fish. Lighted spaces on a pathway will eventually un-light if you make too many extraneous matches elsewhere. The majority of the game is playing this type of level. Obstacles such as electric fields, water, stones, and wood crates prevent Tim from going over those spaces. Conveyor belts moving tiles around in some levels are as much a pain as pleasure.
Boss battles have Tim working to deplete all the boss’ energy bar before the boss can drain all of Tim’s.

Using assorted game widgets

Charge the magnets, cannons, and air horns by making matches next to them or by exploding a bomb or dynamite stick in range. The bar underneath the item lights up to indicate the amount of charge and when it is fully lit means the item is ready to use (cannons will fire themselves when the bar is full). If you use a powerup to insta-charge something to 99%, you have to make a match next to the item afterwards in order to get it fully charged. Using another powerup will not get the item fully charged.
Magnets attract stones which would otherwise block a pathway. They must have some serious Gauss or Tesla units associated with them because they’ll even pull on stones when they’re behind walls. The walls do stop stones from going through them though. Having a fish, wood crate, mask, another stone, or Tim in a stone’s path will also stop a stone from moving.
The game calls them cannons, but to me they look like a pet food bowl staging a food fight with rocks, hahaha! Use them to randomly toss rock-destroying projectiles blocking your way.
Air horns blow stones away from them until the stone hits the opposite end of the board, touches a wall, wood crate, another stone, fish, mask, Tim, or reaches a stone teleport. Don’t worry, they didn’t put in the obnoxious noise the real ones make but I can hear it in my head every time I set an air horn off anyway! They’ll move stones even when the air horn is behind a wall, which I’m still trying to figure out how that would be possible but with the way some levels are designed, will take it.


There’s no hand-holding in this game! Not only do you not get prompted if you’ve gotten a level into an unsolvable situation, the powerups don’t clear obstacles or remove colored tiles (they are only good for reshuffling the pieces) and if you’re like me, you’ll forget they morph because they don’t actually morph on-screen. I found the help book a bit confusing with this part of the game, so here’s a little more detail about the powerups:
-If you have “Generate Powerups” enabled in the game, you will get a morphing powerup for every match of 4 or more tiles you make. There are 4 different morphs which you scroll through by right-clicking on the powerup. Left click on the powerup to select the morph and then left click on it again to activate it. Warning: if you do not right click on a powerup and only left click, it will simply activate immediately. The powerups always appear in the bomb morph first.
-The bomb removes all tiles in the row and column it is in, but does not clear grass or any obstacles. It will charge magnets, cannons, and air horns to 99% if they are in range of the explosion.
-The dynamite stick removes all tiles in a 3×3 area but not any grass or obstacles. It will also charge magnets, cannons and air horns to 99% if they are in range of the explosion.
-The circle with arrows is the equivalent of the hammer powerup in other M3 games for removing one tile of your choice. As with all the other powerups in Suddenly Meow, it will not remove grass or obstacles, so its purpose is more to knock out a blocking tile preventing a match.
-The mask which is generated for bigger matches doesn’t quite work like the masks which appear in some levels. While it is true that a generated mask does swap places with another tile of your choosing, the effect ends up being like the circle with arrows powerup since only 1 tile is affected. I usually don’t pick the mask morph for a generated powerup for this reason, but since the mask is essentially another “hammer”, can be useful if you’ve run out of circles with arrows in your powerup stash up top.
-If you have 3 starred a level, you get a randomly chosen free powerup awarded to your stash on the top of the level screen. If you’ve disabled “Generate Powerups” this will be the only source of powerups for you. Otherwise, this stash is the place to go to if you’re having trouble making bigger matches and need a little extra help. Use your stash by dragging on the powerup of your choice and dropping it into the level.
-Powerups are always enabled for larger matches in boss battle levels, even if you’ve disabled powerup generation otherwise. This is because some bosses can’t be beat without the powerups. Boss battles have their own morphing powerups replacing the ones seen in regular levels but the mechanic for using them is otherwise the same.
-The gold feather adds charge to all the object tossers so you can throw things at the boss faster.
-The red potion adds energy back to the object tossers’ pink energy bar. Some bosses steal the energy from the tossers and will eventually destroy them all if you don’t replenish their energy using the red potions.
-The green bug restores one random object tosser which has been destroyed.

Boss battle tips

Take advantage of the free powerups you get! The secret to dispatching the bosses efficiently is to use the object tossers to throw things at them because that causes the most damage. Using regular matches inflicts some damage to the boss, but takes a lot longer and the later bosses can’t be defeated with matches only.
Later in the game, bosses will have a list of weaknesses underneath of them. The sequence of weaknesses has to be done from left to right; you can’t just start with one in the middle. If none of the tossers has the first item showing on the list, just throw stuff at the boss until the object on a tosser randomly changes to whatever the first listed item is. Throwing listed weakness items at the boss hurts them more than just throwing other stuff at them, although the other stuff is still better than just plain matches.
If you have managed to throw enough random stuff and/or matched enough in a boss battle, you may not necessarily have to throw all the listed weakness items at the boss to win. This surprised me the first time I had it happen, but hey, I’ll take it!
The boss will attack Tim every so often whenever the number displayed under “Next Attack” goes to zero. This takes away some of Tim’s energy bar. To get energy restored to the bar, click on the lit-up heart by the “Healing” line when the bar by the heart is full.
To boost the strength of Tim’s next attack a little, click on the lighted green and yellow icon when the bar next to it is full.
Buy upgrades in Tim’s Hideout whenever you have enough gold coins to do so, as all the goodies there increase either Tim’s hit points, attack strength, or the speed at which the healing and added attack strength bars recharge.
3 star completionists will find that in order to earn all the stars in a boss battles you’ll often have to waste some time playing inefficiently in order to reach all the star goals. Makes me happy they took out Tim’s yowls of pain whenever a boss hits him in the final version of the game. Gotta suffer a little for your stars…


Ready to save Tim from the witch in the forest and rescue his friends but stuck somewhere? Enjoy! Special thanks to IKIGames once again for the non-powerup requiring solution to level 87; I can’t believe I blanked that badly on that one although I must confess I like my method better. 😉
Level 1: match next to all the wood crates until all the crates have been broken.
Level 2: the paths to make leading to fish can be started either with Tim or with a fish. The space a fish occupies will never light up, but the idea is to get a lighted space immediately adjacent to it (top, bottom, left or right – diagonally doesn’t count) and have a lighted pathway from making matches leading between a fish and Tim. As long as there is a continuous lighted path, Tim will walk over to the fish and eat it. You don’t need to break every wood crate, just enough to be able to get a pathway to each fish on the right. 3 starring this one requires you to make a few extra moves with bigger matches and a little luck if you’re playing on limited moves.
HOS 1: I put this in to explain that the objects in every HOS list are displayed with only half the item showing and you have to find the whole object in the picture, but since the majority of items to find in all of these games are pretty big, shouldn’t be much of a struggle and worth playing for the large amount of gold coins you’ll get.
Note on minigames: I’m not sure what I did, but I think I triggered a bug somehow where the game did not give me HOS 2 or 3 in between the M3 levels. If this happens to you, you can always click on the Levels button and select “minigames” at the bottom of the screen to see if any new minigames have unlocked for you to play (the square will be yellow for an available minigame you haven’t played yet). HOS 4 did appear for me after level 31, but then I couldn’t get HOS 5 or 6 to show up on their own when they unlocked. HOS 7 did appear after level 69. The halves minigames were more consistent with appearing in between M3 levels, but halves minigame 5 did not appear as expected and I had to go to the Levels screen and find it in the minigames to play it.
Level 3: break some of the crates on the bottom to reach the fish there and eat the fish on the top left too. Pick a magnet on the right to charge with adjacent matches/powerups until it grabs a stone so Tim can get into the right side for the rest of the fish. You don’t need to pull every stone out of the way, but if you’re having trouble getting your pathway made with just a one space wide gap, charge the magnet associated with an adjacent stone which used to be next to the first one you pulled out of the way for more working room. As in level 2, it pays to not be overly efficient as it takes a while to earn all the stars.
Level 4: Use either the magnet on the left or right to pull a stone away from one side of the singleton grass tile in the center. Then use the top magnet to pull the top stone away so the tiles will continue to repopulate the area with your matches until you can match over the grass. Using the bottom magnet to move the stone under the grass is optional, but can help with the tile refilling. The other grass tiles are easy, but check the Status button regularly if you want all 3 stars and don’t clear all the grass too soon.
Level 5: break the wood crates around the cannon so you can match next to it for charging it, then keep on charging the cannon until at least 1 rock on each side has been removed so the areas will populate for you to break the wood crates on the sides with matches and then reach the grass tiles. It typically takes at least 4 shots since the cannonballs are random with which rock they remove or you might run out of matches on the sides which requires you to fire the cannon to open up more working room. You don’t have to remove every obstacle, just enough to clear out all the grass tiles.
After level 5, you get your first visit to Tim’s Hideout as a part of the game dialog, but any time after this, the only way to get to Tim’s Hideout is to click on the Tim’s Hideout button which will appear in the end level popup text upon finishing a level. Spend whatever gold you have in the Hideout whenever you can because it really helps with the boss battles.
Level 6: there are 3 cannons, but I like to use the 2 which are close to each other in the center since they’re easier to charge together for more cannon shots. This one is a matter of patience with getting enough rocks cleared and having to carefully work the pathway around the center to get past the cannons to reach the 2 fish on the right after eating the fish on the top left.
Halves minigame 1: The matching halves minigames are another easy way to earn a lot of gold coins and I enjoy looking at all that food anyway. I did run across a strange bug where if you double click on the icons instead of single clicking you can end up with a pair of blank squares which won’t ever go away and makes the game impossible to complete. If this happens, click the X to quit the minigame and replay it by going to the Levels button in the next level and checking the minigames button at the bottom of the level selection screen.
Level 7: break the wood crates until you can charge the 2 magnets which were buried in them. Get each of those magnets to pull a stone out of the way. Then charge the other 3 magnets to get the rest of the stones out of the grass and match out all the grass.
Level 8: first boss battle. If you want to 3 star this one, don’t just use the object tossers because throwing stuff constantly kills the boss too quickly (it’s the middle star which is hard to get). Instead, use matches only in the beginning and check the Status button regularly until you’ve achieved all the star goals before charging the tossers to finish the boss off. This requires you to get hit a few times, so use the healing heart when it charges to get back some energy if needed. If you missed getting all the stars the first time, replay it immediately if you want all the stars until you’ve gotten them. If you go too far in the game and have upgraded Tim’s battle skills too much, your attacks will be too strong for you to 3 star the level later because the boss will always die too soon even if you never use the tossers.
Level 9: After eating the 3 fish on the left side, have the magnet suck the stone into the electric field so Tim can get to the other 2 fish. This level is another case of not being overly efficient if you want all the stars. Leave a fish somewhere and make bigger matches elsewhere to get more gold coins. If you’re playing in limited moves, the moves counter is pretty tight and you’ll need to be lucky with getting some good cascades instead.
Level 10: I call those “gray stripes” conveyor belts as that’s how they work when tiles are matched on or next to them. Break all the stationary wood crates, then use matches on/around the conveyor belts to move the remaining wood crates into a reachable location to break them.
Level 11: after matching next to the top 2 puffer fish until they disappear, break through the wood to populate the lower section and match next to the bottom 2 puffer fish until they vanish. Is it just me, or does it sound like you’re inflating the puffer fish whenever you match next to them?
Level 12: break out the wood in the way of the strawberries and once they’re one space away from a basket, you can drag them in. If you’ve got powerups enabled, the really fast way to do this one is after the wood is cleared out, make a bomb in the same column as a strawberry and explode it to immediately drop the strawberry into the basket. If you want a challenge, try to 3 star this one in limited moves as the moves counter is very tight.
Level 13: clear all the wood in front of the stone, then charge the air horn so it blows the stone all the way to the wall. Break the wood around the 2 magnets. Use the top magnet to pull the stone up, then the left magnet to have the stone short out the electric field so Tim can get to all the fish.
Level 14: use the magnets near the top left and top right corners to pull a stone away from each corner of the “square”. There are 3 magnets in the lower center. Ignore the 2 bottom ones and use the one that’s higher up in the middle to grab another stone. Then charge the magnet on the lower right side to pull that stone off the lower center magnet. Charge the lower center magnet again to pull another stone off the “square”. The grass tiles should now all be accessible.
Level 15: the padlocked tiles won’t fall down but you can shift them with matches. Break the wood so you can get to the fish below and clear out enough of the padlocked tiles to get to another 2 fish. You don’t have to use both magnets; just pick one to charge so a stone will get out of the way for the last fish in the bottom right. The remaining fish are easy.
Level 16: Use the magnet on top to grab the stone, then charge the magnet on the top right corner so the stone goes into the teleport. Have the air horn blow the stone into the electricity and Tim will be able to get to the fish. Tip: you can always match over water if that allows some of the non-water spaces to light up for pathmaking. This one’s surprisingly hard to 3 star in limited moves if you want a challenge.
Level 17: there are 5 fish, but 4 of them are hiding under the big groups of bushes. There is 1 fish in each large group of bushes so once you’ve uncovered the fish from one area you can move on to another set of bushes.
Level 18: match over the pink square on the top left first, then break through the wood to reach the other 2 pink squares and fish. The last pink square is hiding underneath the bushes. Break some more wood to get to the last fish.
Level 19: if you want to 3 star this, avoid tossing whatever weakness object the boss has and use matches only in the start until you’ve earned enough tiles and gold coins.
Level 20: red puffer fish move every time you match next to them, but they’re still not all that hard to catch. Powerups aren’t all that useful because explosions don’t charge the bars under the fish any quicker. The real challenge is earning all the stars.
Level 21: break out the wood blocking the key on the left, match over the padlocked tiles to free the key in the center, and use the magnet in the center to pull the stone out of the way of the key on the right. Once you have the key within 1 space of the lock you can drag it to the lock. If this level’s too easy, try it in limited moves!
Level 22: uncover the single hidden pink square in each group of bushes. The key will have a completely open pathway to fall once you’ve matched all those pink squares. In order to teleport the key, you have to make a match over the teleport when the key is immediately above the teleport. Drag the key into the lock after it comes out of the teleport. Tim can’t walk over the teleport exit space, so the pathway has to go around it to reach the fish. However, you can use the teleport exit space for making matches to light the spaces around it.
Level 23: match over the conveyor belt to move the pieces along until the stone reaches the end of the belt. Then use the magnet immediately to the left of the electric field to grab the stone. Charge the magnet on the left to pull the stone over to the left side, then charge the magnet on the bottom so the stone goes down and is aligned with the magnet on the right. Charge the magnet on the right side to get the stone lined up with the air horn, which you need to blow the stone into the electricity. Now you can finally get the key into the lock. This one is nearly impossible to do without powerups.
Level 24: use the magnet on the top left to pull the stone into the teleport. Then have the bottom left magnet pull the stone into the electricity. The challenge is to earn all the stars.
Level 25: Match somewhere on the conveyor belt to move the strawberries up and around, then when the berries reach the lower part of the belt, match somewhere underneath the belt to get the strawberries to come off the belt. You can take it from here.
Level 26: Eat the fish on the bottom, then the 2 in the middle right section while moving the fish on the conveyors so they get past the water. Once the fish are past the water, make paths to wherever they are, then go up to the top for the last 2 fish. If you’re lucky, Tim will just run into a fish on the conveyor belt while you’re working on the bottom and middle right fish.
Level 27: Take that tip at the start of the level seriously! If the fish on the left moves past the pink tile generating spot and lands on the conveyor belt the level is impossible to solve! Unfortunately, there is a definite element of luck here with getting the right setup or having to use your powerups carefully so as not to move the fish while making the pathway up to it. After eating the first fish, charge the magnet on the bottom so it grabs the stone off the conveyor belt, then match using spaces on the conveyor to move Tim over to the end of it on the right so he can then reach the 2 easy fish. Not only is that first fish a pain to get, 3 starring this one is also tricky as you need to play a bit inefficiently to do it or get lucky with cascades and the moves counter is tight in limited moves.
Level 28: Do not move anything on the conveyor belt at the start or the fish and stones will get swept away and make the level impossible to solve. Break the wood blocking the start of the conveyor near Tim and eat the fish. Charge the magnet in the center to pull one stone off the belt. Now charge the magnet in the bottom right corner so it pulls the stone off the end of the conveyor belt, then charge the magnet in the upper right so the stone you just pulled off the belt goes up. Break the wood near the end of the belt so you can move the items on the conveyor belt with matches until the last stone on the belt is aligned with the bottom right magnet. Charge that magnet again to get the last stone out of the way and eat the remaining fish.
Level 29: if the object tossers don’t have the listed weakness items on them at the start, just use them to throw whatever else there is at the boss until a tosser gives you whatever item is next on the list of Boss Personal Kryptonite to lob at the boss. If you want to 3 star this one, don’t use the tossers too much at the start and check the Status button regularly to see where you are on the star goals before going all out on the tossers.
Level 30: while the top 2 puffer fish are super easy, the 2 at the bottom will take a while to reach as you just have to keep lobbing cannonballs at the stones until the bottom left populates and/or to rearrange the tiles there so you can keep matching in that location. I didn’t worry about freeing both cannons, only used one.
Level 31: break the wood blocking the pink square so you can match it and open up the pathway to the right side. Then start matching around the brick walls to remove them for the fish on the left and middle. While you’re working on those, you should be able to extend the path over to the fish on the right side. You cannot match through the brick walls, so matches can only be made on one side of a wall to break it.
Level 32: Charge the magnet in the bottom right corner to pull a stone next to it. There is a fish 4 spaces above this stone and 4 spaces above the fish is another magnet. Charge that magnet so the stone ends up underneath the fish. An air horn is now 4 spaces left of the stone. Use it to blow the stone into the electricity on the right. There is a stone down at the very bottom which is aligned with a magnet in the top center. Charge that magnet to pull the stone up. Use the air horn on the top right corner to blow this stone into the electricity on the top left. Finally, in the 2nd row from the top is a magnet facing leftwards (it’s the middle one of 3 in that row). Charge this magnet to pull a stone next to another magnet. The stone is lined up with a magnet on the bottom, which you charge to pull the stone down. Then charge the magnet close to Tim on the bottom left to pull the stone into the electricity on the bottom left. Tim can now get to all the fish.
Level 33: The conveyor belt is roughly H-shaped with a T intersecting the center. Match on both sides of the horizontal part to pull fish to the left and right sides of the H. Then match in the T-shaped belt to move another fish to the top. Move Tim counterclockwise around the entire level to get all the fish while avoiding the water.
Level 34: Use the air horn on the left to blow the stone into the electricity. This also clears the pathway for Tim to get to 2 fish on the top. Break the wood at the bottom center for 2 more fish. Now charge the air horn on the right side to blow the stone out of the electricity (make sure Tim has eaten the 2 fish which were behind the wood at the bottom before doing this). The stone ends up next to the air horn on the left, and is also aligned with a magnet on the bottom. Charge the magnet to pull the stone down, then charge the magnet in the bottom right corner to pull the stone into the other electric field so Tim can get to the last fish.
Level 35: break the wood to get the 4 grass tiles behind them, then start removing the bushes on the right to uncover 4 more grass tiles and 2 pink squares. The rest is easy. If you get lucky with a good layout of tiles you may not have to clear both pink squares to reach the grass on the right.
Level 36: Charge the bottom magnet to pull the stone into the teleport. Don’t forget you can match over the teleport entrance space to help with magnet charging. When the stone moves to the left side, charge the magnet on the right to line the stone up with the air horn and blow the stone into the electricity so the grass tile area will populate and clean up.
Level 37: Use the magnet on the left to pull a stone next to it. Then charge the lower of the 2 magnets on the right side to pull a stone next to it. Charge the air horn on the bottom left to blow a stone underneath the stone grabbed by the left magnet earlier. Now use the higher of the 2 magnets on the right side to pull this stone into the electricity. All the fish are now accessible.
Level 38: super easy, you just need to clear every wood crate and grass tile.
Level 39: remove the bushes on the right to uncover a pink square. Break the wood in the middle after the top middle section opens up to get the other pink square. Finally, break the wood on the left to reach the grass tiles. Break any leftover wood as the level won’t complete until all the wood and grass are gone.
Level 40: clear the wood to drop the first key into its lock. Charge the air horn on the bottom left to blow the stone out from the bushes (note: if for some reason you can’t see the stone which is aligned with this horn, match over the bushes first to expose the stone before using the air horn) then clear the rest of the bushes to let the second key into its lock. Charge the air horn on the top right to blow the stone out of the way of the last key and drop it with matches into the last lock.
Level 41: break the 4 wood crates to the right of the stone on the left. Then charge the air horn next to the stone to blow the stone to the wall and free the pink square. Match over the pink square and break through the wood at the bottom right near the electricity to reach the other pink square. A narrow passageway opens up for you to charge the air horn again so it will blow the stone into the electricity this time. You can do the rest, but check the Status button if you’re going for all the stars because this one is really easy to finish too fast and requires you to make some extraneous matches to get 75 gold coins.
Level 42: easy puffer fish level, even if they’re red puffers. The only thing even sort of difficult is getting the 75 gold coins if you want all the stars.
Level 43: this boss battle is the first one where you’ll want to focus on charging the object tossers more than just making matches. Don’t forget that you have to throw the weakness objects in order from left to right for them to work on the boss. If the tossers don’t have those items on them at the moment, just keep on throwing things until the tossers do give you the weakness objects.
Level 44: Charge the magnet in the very center to pull a stone down on top of it. Then break the wood around the air horns on both sides so you can use them to blow stones next to the stone in the center. Keep charging whatever cannon(s) have easy matches by them until all 6 rocks blocking the keys are gone and then drag the keys into their locks.
Level 45: Work on lowering the strawberries as much as you can and breaking whatever wood you can before using the air horns to move the stones out of the way going generally from the top down. The stones to move depend on where the strawberries happen to be located. Be careful not to blow a stone into the path of a strawberry or you will have to get lucky with swapping the strawberry into another column with a match or else using the mask powerup to get such a match set up. This level is a lot harder to do than it looks and you’ll most likely have to dip into your powerup stash.
Level 46: after the very difficult level 45, this one’s an easy rest break (unless you’re trying for all the stars)! Make all the easy matches over grass tiles first, then reshuffle pieces around by matching on the conveyor belts until the tiles fall into place for matches over the grass elsewhere. In limited moves, you need some luck with the cascades to get enough gold coins.
An interesting observation I noticed with Tim’s Hideout after most of the upgrades have been bought is that you can’t buy the hat even if you have the 1700 gold it takes until you’ve bought the hammock first, as the hat goes on Tim’s head and he doesn’t appear in his hideout until you’ve purchased the hammock.
Level 47: use matches over the conveyor belts to reshuffle the pieces so you can match all the grass tiles stuck in between/around the belts. As in level 46, if you’re playing in limited moves, will need a little luck with cascades to earn the 75 gold coins for 3 stars.
Level 48: match on the conveyor belts to rearrange pieces into match setups to reach the wood crates stuck in nooks. The other wood crates are easy to get. It’s very possible to finish this one too fast for all the stars so you’ll have to spend some time making extraneous big matches away from wood crates to build up your gold coins and tiles collected.
Level 49: as in the previous 2 levels, it’s another example of using matches on the conveyor belts to get match setups around the wood, but that bottom section may well make you wish the cascades would help with breaking the wood.
Level 50: try to get the 3 puffer fish on the conveyor belt in the middle before the belt moves them too far otherwise you’ll have to break the wood somewhere to reach them. Then get the 2 easy puffer fish on the sides.
Level 51: work on getting that pink square on the bottom right so the pathway will open up connecting the two sides of the board before breaking out the brick walls and eating the fish.
Level 52: if you happen to get lucky you might be able to move a strawberry over a column so it can be put into the basket higher up in the board, but it’s not that much of an issue to simply move the berries all the way down to the bottom.
Level 53: move the strawberry straight down to the teleport and make a match over the teleport to put the strawberry into it. Make sure you don’t shift the strawberry over a column. When the strawberry appears in the middle section, do the same thing with lowering it all the way down to the next teleport and teleport it again. Charge the magnet in the center section to pull the stone out of the way and you can take it from there.
Level 54: break the wood to reach the puffer fish. It’s otherwise a very easy level even if the fish are red.
Level 55: on the left side, charge the magnet so it pulls the stone into the teleport. When the stone comes out of the teleport into the center, it’s lined up with a magnet on the bottom. Charge that bottom magnet to move the stone down 2 spaces where it hits a wall. The stone is now aligned with a magnet on the right side. Charge this magnet so the stone moves 2 spaces right and hits another wall. Leave the stone alone for now. In the row underneath the electricity is a magnet in the left center of the board. Charge it so a stone from the right side of the board gets pulled next to a wall. This sets up a barrier for moving the stone you were working on earlier. Charge the air horn at the top of the board to blow the stone down into the electricity, and Tim will be able to go up and around for the fish.
Level 56: it’s not just the obvious grass tiles as there are more hiding under the bushes so keep on pruning. 😉 Get rid of the padlocked tiles around the hole in the center so the spaces underneath will populate.
Level 57: look for easy matches by crates and do those first, then shuffle the pieces around on the conveyor belts until setups fall into place to break the rest of the wood. This one is really only tricky in limited moves and for getting all the stars.
Level 58: prune the big group of bushes on the bottom right until the hidden pink square is revealed for you to open up the columns on the left for the keys. Now charge the magnet on the right to pull a stone to the wall, then use the air horn to blow that stone all the way down. Charge the magnet again to grab another stone over to the wall. Near the small groups of bushes in the center is another air horn. Use this one to blow the last stone out of the way. Break the wood in the way for the keys to drop down to the locks.
Level 59: This is the first level featuring a permanent mask powerup which, unlike the masks generated from big matches or taken from the powerup stash on top, doesn’t go away after one use. This makes the permanent mask a great feature as you can click it to have it trade places with whatever tile you click next. Be warned that if you’re playing in limited moves, hopping the mask counts as a move. Get whatever keys you can down to their locks with matches. For the keys in the top corners, you’ll need to hop the mask in and out of the spaces below those keys to exchange tiles in such that a vertical match setup is created to drop the keys down. If there are any other keys left on the board which you can’t move down anymore with matches, hop the mask over to that area to make match setups and that will finish dropping the keys down for you. This one is tricky to 3 star because it’s easy to finish it super fast so you need to play a little inefficiently and/or get lucky with cascades.
Level 60: Hop the mask into the center section to rearrange the tiles into matches to break the wood there and lower the key. Otherwise, the rest is easy.
Level 61: Get all the pink squares you can see out of the way, then start clearing the bushes on the right for 2 more. Charge the magnet to pull the stone out of the way and the fish will all be accessible going through the narrow spots.
Level 62: if there are tossers with the boss’ weakness objects already there at the start, charge those first in order of the list. Otherwise, just lob whatever’s around until you get the weakness items. If you’re lucky with getting some big matches/cascades, you may not have to throw every weakness item at the boss to beat it. This is the first boss who can steal significant amounts of energy from the tossers’ energy bars, so make sure you use the red potion powerup regularly to keep up the tossers’ energy levels.
Level 63: matter of patience. Keep on charging whichever cannons having moves next to them to clear out the rocks in the way of the strawberries. The ones in the middle can be moved over a column with swaps if you get the right setups, but since the cannonballs remove rocks randomly, you’ll still have to wait until the 9 rocks on the right blocking those berries are gone because it’s really hard to shift all of those strawberries over into whatever column happens to open up first. Tip: to help the bottom right populate, drag on the pieces in the narrow corridors. Even if there is no match, the pieces will go back to where they were, but the “wiggling” you did with dragging will make other tiles fall down lower to help you and saves you from having to use as many powerups.
Level 64: charge the magnet in the bottom right to pull a stone next to the mask. The stone is now aligned with a magnet near the top. Charge this magnet to pull the stone up. In the middle of the board are two narrow rectangular walls. Move the mask to the spot immediately above the right rectangular wall – this is the 7th space away from the magnet on the top right. Charge the top right magnet to pull the stone next to the mask. A little ways under the electricity is another magnet. Charge this to pull the stone into the electricity and Tim will be able to reach the fish. You’ll have to hop the mask out of the way for the fish in the top right.
Level 65: A permanent mask is in a singleton space in the bottom left. Move it to the 2nd spot below the magnet on the top left. Charge the magnet to pull the stone up to the mask. Move the mask to the 4th spot down from the top of the 2nd column from the right. Use the air horn on the left side to blow the stone all the way over to the mask. Move the mask to the bottom space of the 3rd column from the right. Use the air horn on the top right to blow the stone down to the mask. Move the mask to the 2nd spot up from the bottom of the 6th column from the left (this spot is just behind the electricity and lined up with the air horn on the bottom right). Break all the wood in between the stone and the mask. Charge the air horn on the bottom right to blow the stone into the electricity and Tim can now reach all the fish.
Level 66: Hop the permanent mask into the 2nd spot from the right of the magnet on the top right section. Charge the magnet so it pulls the stone next to the mask. The stone is aligned with a magnet on the bottom right. Start charging the magnet, but do NOT fully fill the bar! Before the magnet fully charges, move the mask so it is immediately atop the magnet. Then get the magnet fully charged so the stone lands on top of the mask. (You can also hop the mask atop the magnet before you even start to charge it, but then matches are a lot harder to get for charging.) Now hop the mask to the 2nd spot from the right of the magnet on the bottom left. Charge the magnet to pull the stone next to the mask. Finally, use the magnet immediately above the electricity to pull the stone into the electricity. The key can easily be moved down to the lock now. The moves counter is very tight on this one in limited moves, so may take a few tries before you can win it, much less get all the stars. If you are having a lot of trouble getting the magnets charged, don’t put the mask into the spots by them until the bar on the magnet is pretty full.
Level 67: Use the air horn on the left to blow the stone next to the mask. Get Tim to eat the 2 fish on the left side, then the fish in the little narrow connecting spot in the middle bottom, and finally the fish on the right side which he can reach. He will be on the right side of the board at this point. Charge the magnet on the bottom left side to pull the stone down to it. Then hop the mask to the 2nd spot from the left of the magnet on the bottom right and charge that magnet to pull the stone rightwards next to the mask. Immediately above the electricity is a magnet to charge, which will pull the stone into the electric field, allowing Tim to get past for the final fish. The moves counter is pretty tight on this level too in limited moves.
Level 68: “I keep blowing this…figuratively.” The permanent mask is sitting near the top right corner this time. Hop it to the 7th space to the right of the stone (this is the 8th column from the left, 5th space down from the top). Now charge the magnet on the right side so the stone moves next to the mask. Move the mask to the 2nd spot up from the air horn on the bottom left – this spot is part of the conveyor belt. Use the air horn on the TOP which is also aligned with the stone to blow the stone down into the electricity. Tim now has an exit route to go get the fish on top, so have him eat that fish. Move the mask to the 2nd spot underneath the top air horn you just used. Now charge the air horn on the BOTTOM to blow the stone up underneath the mask. Move the mask to the 5th space down from the top of the 8th column from the right. Charge the magnet on the right to pull the stone next to the mask. Now hop the mask to the 3rd spot up from the bottom of the 9th column from the right (this is on the very short conveyor belt immediately after the generating spot). Use the air horn which is above the stone to blow the stone down into the electricity and go for that last fish. Trust me, if you do this as described, you won’t be “blowing it”. Well, assuming you also don’t run out of moves because it takes more than a little luck to do this one in limited moves. LOL
Level 69: There’s a permanent mask in between two stones at the bottom. Hop the mask to the 7th spot from the right on the bottom row. Then use the magnet on the bottom row to pull a stone next to the mask. Near the center is a 9 space area surrounded by an electric field to its left and water on the other 3 sides. A fish is in the bottom right corner of this 9 space area. Move the mask into the very center spot of this 9 space area (the fish should be to the southeast of the mask and there should be 7 regular spaces with tiles in them surrounding the mask, or if you can visualize a numeric keypad, put the mask into the “5” spot of this area). A magnet is in the same column higher up. Use this magnet to pull the stone up under the mask. Move the mask to the 2nd spot up from the bottom of the 3rd column from the left. This spot is right above a water square and immediately to the left of the lowest electrified space of the electric field on the left. Use the air horn on the right to blow the stone into the electricity. Move the mask to the 7th spot from the right on the bottom row. Then from your powerup stash, drag another mask into the spot next to the stone where the permanent mask was before. This prevents the stone from being blown out of the electric field in case the air horn is set off too soon. You can omit this step if you’re out of masks in your powerup stash up top, but it makes the level trickier and if the air horn blows the stone away, you’ll have to restart the level. Charge the magnet on the bottom row to pull the other stone next to the mask. Then hop the mask into the center of the 9 space area like you did earlier with the first stone and use the magnet up top to pull the stone up again. Move the mask to the spot immediately to the left of the lowest electrified (empty) space of the electric field near the center. Then use the air horn to blow the stone into the electricity and next to the mask. Whew…Tim can finally go get that one pesky fish!
Level 70: Use the air horn near the top of the 6th column from the right to blow the stone all the way down. Move the fish on the upper conveyor belt away from the water so Tim can get to it. He will land on the conveyor belt. Move Tim all the way to the end of the belt using matches so he’s underneath an air horn. Move the permanent mask to the 8th spot from the top of the 6th column from the left – this spot is just underneath the upper conveyor belt. An air horn is above the stone and mask; use it to blow the stone onto the conveyor belt. Then move the pieces along the conveyor belt until the stone is next to Tim (hopping the mask helps with this). Then put the mask 2 spaces underneath the stone and use the air horn above to blow the stone down into the electricity. Move the fish on the lower conveyor belt to the 2nd from last space of the belt so it’s aligned with the one open regular spot. Don’t move it too far or you’re out of luck and have to restart. Tim can go get the fish only from this location, so if the matches aren’t setting themselves up, use the mask to make them for you.
Level 71: There are 4 magnets in the top half of the board which I’ll number 1, 2, 3, and 4 going from left to right. There’s another magnet on the left side which I’ll call the left magnet. The 2 air horns on the right I’ll call the top right air horn and bottom right air horn. First, use magnet 1 to pull a stone into the end of a conveyor belt. On the right side is a 2nd stone on a conveyor belt. Match underneath and to the left so the belt moves the stone all the way down and 1 space left at the end of the belt. Use magnet 4 to pull this stone up. Now use the left magnet to pull the stone leftwards back onto the conveyor belt. Charge magnet 3 so the stone is pulled up higher in the belt, then use the bottom right air horn to blow the stone over next to the other stone at the end of the belt. Warning: do NOT move the pieces on the conveyor belt with your matches too far while charging the air horn, because if the stone slips down below the level of the bottom right air horn before you can blow it over, you will have to spend a lot of extra time with getting the stone off the belt again and using the magnets as previously described all over again to get the setup restarted. Once the 2 stones are together on the end of the belt, use magnet 2 to pull the 2nd stone you were making all that effort to move around up. Now use the top right air horn to blow the stone into the electricity and have Tim make that short up and around trip for that one lousy fish! Yikes.
Level 72: yay, after 5 or 6 horribly hard levels, there’s a relatively easy one for a break. Break the wood and get all the keys into the locks, then fire the cannon to break out an opening for the fish behind the rocks. You can figure the rest out.
Level 73: this one’s pretty easy too. Just clear out paths through the wood and padlocked tiles to drop the strawberries.
Level 74: get all the keys to their locks before trying to move Tim to fish since the locks are blocking all the access points around the water.
Level 75: break the brick walls to let the keys down to their locks. You might be groaning over how the cascades just don’t work for you with those walls, but hey, they didn’t want to make it THAT easy this late in the game! 😉
Level 76: this boss has some mega attacks and seriously drains the energy off the object tossers. Make bigger matches regularly to get the powerups and keep charging the tossers and their energy bars to keep the boss from destroying them all while working on throwing stuff as much as possible. If the boss does trash all the tossers, keep making bigger matches and use a green bug to get a tosser restored. As long as you have at least one tosser active on the board and throw all the boss’ weakness items at it, the boss is beatable. Don’t forget to recharge Tim’s energy bar with the healing heart and use the extra attack boost if you’d like.
Level 77: move the pieces on the conveyor belt using matches only from the left side near the end of it. If you break any of the wood crates, the keys will fall off the belt too soon and make the level impossible to complete. Put the keys into their locks. Then break the wood so the fish on the right can be reached and go through the narrow access points where the locks used to be for the other fish.
Level 78: hop the permanent mask into the middle sections to make match setups so you can lower those berries. The strawberry on the far left is easy. The strawberry on the right can also benefit from using the mask to make setups around the wood to break it faster. The really tricky part of this level is not finishing it too soon, as you have to play inefficiently with going out of your way to make bigger matches and maybe get some cascades to get all the stars.
Level 79: in the top left, lower the 2 strawberries a little with some matches. Use the permanent mask for making setups to get those berries shifted over a column with a match (1 column left for the leftmost berry and 1 column right for the rightmost berry) so they can get to the easier baskets in the corners above the conveyor belt. There are 4 magnets on the right side, 3 which are facing down and one which is facing left. I will call the 3 on the top which are facing down 1, 2, and 3 going from left to right and the one which is facing left the right magnet since it is closest to the right side of the board. Hop the mask to the space immediately to the left of the right magnet. Then charge the right magnet to pull a stone off the conveyor belt so it goes next to the mask. Move the pieces on the conveyor belt until a strawberry falls off and get the berry into a basket. Charge magnet 3 to pull the stone up. Move the mask 1 space left. Charge the right magnet again to grab another stone off the belt and it will land next to the mask again. Shuffle the pieces around on the conveyor belt until the next strawberry falls off and put it into a basket. Charge magnet 2 to pull the stone up. Now charge the right magnet one more time to pull the last stone from the belt. Move the last strawberry off the belt and drop it into a basket.
Level 80: move Tim through the 1 space wide gap in the water above him to eat the fish on the top left. Hop the permanent mask to the 3rd space up from the bottom of the 11th column from the left (this is immediately to the right of the leftmost electric field). Use the magnet in the bottom right to pull the stone into the electricity. Lead Tim to the fish near the bottom which just became reachable. Move the mask 5 spaces to the right. Charge the bottom right magnet again to move the stone into the column with the magnet on top. Hop the mask into the space immediately below this top magnet. Charge the top magnet to pull the stone up. Move the mask to the 6th spot from the top of the 2nd column from the right so it’s just to the right of the electricity. Use the air horn to blow the stone into the electricity and Tim will be able to get the last fish. Use the mask to create match setups to make going up through that narrow area easier.
Level 81: hop the mask to the 2nd spot below the magnet on the top left. Charge this magnet to pull a stone up. Move the mask so it is 5 spaces right of the stone. Use the higher of the 2 magnets on the right side to pull the stone next to the mask. Move the mask to the 2nd space from the left side of the conveyor belt on the bottom. There are 2 empty spaces (one blank, one electrified) immediately above it. Use the air horn to blow the stone down next to the mask. Now repeat the entire process with moving the mask back to the 2nd spot below the magnet on the top left, charge the magnet to grab another stone, hop the mask 5 spaces right of the stone, use the upper right magnet to pull the stone right, then blow the stone down with the air horn. You don’t have to move the mask back down like you did for the first stone since that first stone makes the second one go into the electricity. The area with the pink square now populates, so match that pink square to open up the bottom left corner. Use the lower of the 2 magnets on the right side to pull the last stone from the bottom left out of the way and go get all those grass tiles. Don’t forget you can use the mask to make you some setups for reaching the tight spots.
Level 82: this one’s more aggravating than hard. I start with the fish to Tim’s right, then the 3 fish on the top half, then the fish on the bottom, the 2 on the left and finally the 4 on the right. This seems to be the only way to get all the fish without having your pathways un-light too much and you getting hopelessly stuck. I had commented during beta testing that it would have been far better if the cascades benefited the player more with keeping pathways going, but couldn’t get the idea implemented, sorry…
Level 83: there are 3 fish in the section where Tim is located at the beginning. Eat the lowest fish, then use the air horn at the left side to blow the stone out of the way. Don’t break the wood boxes close to the air horn! Eat the fish that’s highest up, then go down a little to the left for the 3rd fish. Move the permanent mask up 6 spaces so it’s in the water. Charge the magnet below it to pull a stone atop the mask. Use the air horn to blow the stone to the right. Once again, don’t break any of the wood by the air horn. Charge the magnet in the column the mask is in to pull another stone down atop the mask. Have Tim eat the fish close by which is above the 2 squares of water (use the mask to make setups to help get Tim around the narrow corridor and over to the fish). Next, start breaking the wood from the left side. Don’t let the higher of the fish on the conveyor belt drop down more than a space. It has to be above the stone on the left of the belt so the fish in the top left corner can be reached later. After breaking out enough of the wood to be able to reach the top left corner fish and the top fish on the conveyor belt, eat the top fish on the belt and then eat the fish in the top left corner. Charge the higher of the 2 magnets on the far right side to pull the stone which is to the left of the conveyor belt out of the way. The only way Tim can reach the lower of the fish on the conveyor belt is down through that space. Eat that lower fish off the belt, then charge the magnet at the bottom of the column to get the stone out of Tim’s way so he can get over to the last fish. Think this is hard? Be glad you don’t have to play the original version of this level, which was a true nightmare that took me half a day to solve after I got so frustrated I hit the Skip button after many earlier failed attempts in another half a day!
Level 84: on the bottom row are 2 magnets. Charge the one on the left so a stone gets pulled into the teleport. Move the permanent mask to the 3rd space below the stone where it exited. Of the magnets on the bottom row, charge the one on the right to pull the stone down atop the mask. Move the mask to the space immediately to the right of the pulsating black teleport entrance. Charge the magnet on this row to pull the stone into the teleport. When the stone exits at the bottom right corner, hop the mask to the 4th spot above it. Charge the magnet which is 2 spaces above the mask to pull the stone up. Now move the mask to the 3rd spot to the right of the magnet that’s facing the electric field and charge that magnet to pull the stone into the electricity. Tim can now go get the single fish.
Level 85: have Tim eat the fish on the top left without moving the fish on the conveyor belt (avoid breaking the wood). If the fish on the conveyor moves at all, the level will be impossible to complete and you’ll have to restart. Now break the wood carefully on the top of the fish and make the pathway to eat the fish from that top spot (Tim cannot cross over the pink generator spot for the conveyor and it’s easier to reach the fish from the top space instead of the bottom one). Tim is now on the conveyor belt with a stone on his right. Charge the magnet in the same column underneath the stone to pull it down out of the way. Now break the wood to the right of the conveyor so you can shuffle the pieces around and move Tim all the way to the end of the belt. Charge the magnet below Tim which will pull a stone into the spot above him. (I just have to wonder if he minds when that stone hits him and stops, LOL.) Now charge the magnet near the top right close to a fish to pull the stone to the right. Then charge the magnet below the electric field at the bottom to pull the stone into the electricity. Tim can now get to both fish.
Level 86: use the air horn on the left to blow the stone next to a fish; this also shorts out one of the electric fields. Eat the fish on the top right and the 2 fish in the center section which were freed by the electricity being blocked, then eat the fish on the top center and the fish in the top left. Tim is now above the other electric field. There’s a magnet in the column to the left at the bottom to charge. Use it to pull the stone down to the wall in the middle. Now use the air horn on the right to blow the stone which is in the electricity on the right over to the electric field on the left so Tim can reach the last fish.
Level 87: “I’m too lazy to move all that stuff around so I copped out of this one.” Um, well, the truth is I had no idea what I was supposed to do halfway through the level and stumbled upon an idea to buy my way out. But I like my strategy better than what IKIGames wanted you to do since it takes less moves, hahaha. The easier way out of this is:
1) Use the bottom air horn to blow a stone up next to another one.
2) Use the air horn on the left which is just above the water to blow a stone rightwards so it ends up next to the other stones.
3) Charge the magnet up top to pull the stone up.
4) Use the air horn on the top left side to blow the stone into the teleport.
5) Drag a mask from your powerup stash up top into the spot which is 6 spaces to the left of where the stone exited.
6) Use the air horn on the right side to blow the stone into the electricity.
7) Eat the fish.
If you don’t have any mask powerups in your stash, the developer did tell me what you were supposed to do since I sadly never did figure it out for myself. They gave me a text explanation first and I still didn’t get it, so then they sent me a video! I am not making this up.
1) Do steps 1-4 from above.
2) Use the air horn on the right side to blow the stone all the way to the left.
3) Charge the magnet on the bottom left corner to pull the stone to it.
4) Charge the magnet near the bottom right corner to pull the stone into the electricity.
5) Eat the fish.
Level 88: eat the fish sitting on the pink generating spot next to the conveyor belt without moving it onto the conveyor belt at all, otherwise the level is impossible to finish and will have to be restarted. Near the left side is an L-shaped hole in the board with a magnet just above it. Use this magnet to pull a stone to the left. There are a pair of stones sitting next to each other on the conveyor belt at the right and one is aligned with a magnet higher up. Use that magnet to pull the stone up off the belt into the nook. To the right of the L-shaped hole in the board is an air horn, which you charge to blow the other stone into the water at the right. At the end of the conveyor belt is another stone. It’s lined up with a magnet on the top. Charge the magnet to pull the stone all the way up. Now start making matches involving the conveyor belt so the pieces pull Tim on the belt all the way around to the end. He needs to be standing on the very last space of the belt to keep going later. Keep using the cannon on the lower left until all 3 rocks have been cleared out. Under the teleport entrance is a magnet to charge, which will pull the stone into the teleport. When the stone exits, it’s aligned with an air horn to its left, which you use to blow the stone into the bottom right corner. Use the magnet near the top right corner to pull the stone up. Now use the magnet on the left of the electricity to pull the stone into the electric field. Finish eating the fish.
Level 89: Move the permanent mask into the space immediately to the left of the magnet that’s closest to the top on the right side. Charge the magnet to pull a stone next to the mask. Move the mask to 5 spaces underneath of the stone. Use the magnet at the bottom to pull the stone atop the mask. Now put the mask into the spot immediately to the left of the electricity lined up with the air horn in the middle right. Use the air horn to blow the stone into the electricity. This gives Tim a pathway out into the rest of the board, so eat the fish in the starting area, then eat the fish in the top center and top left, then eat the 2 fish on the right side. Tim needs to be away from the electric field because you have to relocate the stone next and he will otherwise be trapped if you don’t get him to the right, or else some of the fish will be impossible to reach. Hop the mask to the spot immediately to the left of the air horn in the middle right. There’s a magnet in the same row on the far right to use to pull the stone next to the mask. Use the magnet on the bottom to pull the stone all the way down. Move the mask to the spot immediately to the left of the electricity in the 2nd row from the bottom. Charge the magnet in this row to pull the stone into the electricity and get the last fish.
Level 90: the game’s not joking with that help message at the start. If you didn’t buy everything in Tim’s Hideout before getting here, click the Levels button to pick some other level or minigame to replay so you can get back to the hideout and buy whatever’s left. Otherwise, focus on throwing stuff as much as possible and try to get all the powerups you can, because the witch will probably trash all your tossers anyway and you’ll have to hang on long enough to restore one with a green bug while working on depleting all of the witch’s energy bar. Keep restoring Tim’s energy bar with the healing heart at every opportunity. Don’t forget about throwing the weakness objects if they’re available first. Tough, but doable!

P.S. Here are some videos for a few tricky levels of Suddenly Meow:

Level 45

Level 68

Level 71

Level 87

You may also be interested in the Walkthrough of the sequel, Suddenly Meow 2.